Elk NetworkRMEF Expresses Concern about California Elk Management Plan

Conservation | January 25, 2018

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation submitted official comment to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) about its Statewide Elk Conservation and Management Plan.

Specifically, RMEF took a strong position against the state’s apparently unprecedented push to co-manage elk with tribes on non-tribal lands. Below is a portion of RMEF’s official comment letter:

We are concerned about the stated objective in the Plan to share elk management responsibilities with California’s federally recognized tribes in areas in which they have no jurisdiction. All references to “co-management” and “the Department and Tribes share authority to regulate the take of elk as they move across the landscape” should be deleted from all parts/sections of the Elk Plan.

RMEF also called for much more data collection, dedicated funding and commitment by CDFW to manage elk numbers and increase elk distribution.

Comments will be accepted through January 29. Email your thoughts to ElkManagementPlan@wildlife.ca.gov.

(Photo source: California Department of Fish and Wildlife)