Elk NetworkRMEF Denotes Science in Formation of Idaho Elk Management Plan

General | May 29, 2024

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation urged adherence to science in comments it made about a new draft of Idaho’s elk management plan. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game sought public input earlier this year.

 Below are some of the principles RMEF strongly supports related to successful elk management:

  • Science–based wildlife management
  • Healthy elk populations maintained at both biologically and socially sustainable levels
  • Hunting as the primary tool for managing elk populations
  • Impactful programs designed to increase hunter access to elk on both public and private lands
  • Appropriate distribution of elk on public and private lands
  • Maximizing hunting opportunity and quality
  • Recognition of the role private landowners play in providing elk habitat during critical seasons
  • Simplification of unnecessarily complex hunting regulations

RMEF also submitted comments specific to continually improving the science in estimating elk populations, identifying goals for calf-cow ratios to achieve population objectives, concerns related to under-objective elk populations, attention to disease management, continued emphasis on mapping migration corridors, recognizing private landowners for providing wildlife habitat and public access, and opening or improving public access, among others.

(Photo credit: Idaho Department of Fish and Game)